18th Annual conference of the Oomycete Molecular Genetics Network

Welcome to the registration page for the 18th Annual conference of the Oomycete Molecular Genetics Network, scheduled on the 12th July 2025 at the Confex Center, Cologne, Germany, alongside the MPMI 2025 conference. Thank you to refer to their website for travel advice.


Submission guidelines:

Please choose between oral and poster: if selected for a poster you may be offered to give a flash talk in addition to presenting a poster. Please also indicate three keywords to help us assigning your submission to a session. Please do not upload any supplementary file when prompted to do so.

Dates to remember:

Abstract submission opened till Sunday, April 20th 2025.

Registration closes on Sunday, June 22nd 2025. Payment will be activated soon - please come back :-)

Presenters notified of acceptance of their abstract as oral or poster on Monday May 26th, 2025.


Travel awards and support towards attendance:

OMGN grants for US-based students: three $1000 Travel Scholarships are available for three US-based graduate students or post-docs. Travel awards are intended to reimburse students or post-docs for a portion of their travel, registration, and lodging costs up to $1000. Please ensure that your visa status will enable you to exit and to come back to the US.   Applicants can apply for travel awards by sending an email request to Dr. Paul Morris  pmorris@bgsu.edu. Attached to the email they should also include a resume, and a copy of their abstract with an author’s list.  Announcement of awards will be made after the abstract submission deadline. Cheques will be sent out after the conference is over .

Many learned societies will offer travel grants to support attendance to a conference, including the British Society for Plant Pathology, Federation of European Microbiological Societies and the British Phycological Society.



We gratefully acknowledge support from the British Society for Plant Pathology, the European MSCA Doctoral Network PHABB, and the MNHN


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